Natural Solutions for Menopause

3 luxury healthy Mothers’ Day Gifts

Give the gift of good health to the special lady in your life.

Tropic Skincare

All women want to look good, but with all the chemicals in make-up it certainly comes at a price.  The skin is the largest organ in the body and absorbs everything we put on it, so if your Mum would not put her make-up in her mouth then why would you want her putting it on her skin just so she can look good for you?

Introduce your Mum to Tropic Skincare, a vegan-friendly plant based range of make-up, hair care and skincare that actually feeds and nourishes her skin as well as being kind to the environment.

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Annual Health Check with a difference

Is your Mum staring to get tired or not be as on-the-ball as she used to be? Does she say ‘it’s just my age’ and brush things off?  Give her a new lease of life with an Annual Health Check with a difference – with functional medicine health checks we will look at whether your Mum is getting the right nutrition that her body needs and whether she is absorbing it properly.  Stress, over-work, lots of responsibilities balancing work and family all mount up over time but having an annual health check will give her a tune-up just as you would get your car an MOT or de-gaus your computer!3 Luxury healthy mothers day gifts

Book her checkup here and give us the address to send the lab testing kits to.  She will have a very thorough consultation before she does the tests, then all the results will be compiled to give her a detailed overview of her health and advice on what small steps she can take now to avoid big problems in the future.

Give your Mum the Gift of Good health by booking her annual health check here.

Immunity Boosting Supplements

Is your Mum anxious about the easing of lockdown and the prospect of mixing and mingling in public again? Eating a healthy diet can

Luxury Mothers day gifts for a healthy mum

help, but research shows that there is one supplement that can boost your immune system whether you are fit an active, a healthcare worker or an elderly smoker, according to the latest scientific research. It is simply a blend of 30 varieties of fruit and vegetables put into a daily dose of capsules.  Unlike taking high doses of Vitamin C or other immune-boosting supplements, simply dehydrating fruit and veg means we get the nutrients in the right proportions as nature intended.

Order your Mum’s Protective Plus supplement bundle here


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