A quick glance at the long list of research findings below would make you think that you need lots of different supplements to get those benefits, but in fact it is just one: Juice Plus Premium.
For the last 30 years, the Juice Plus company has been perfecting its r oange of encapsulated fruit and vegetables and having them independently researched in randomized double-blinded controlled trials conducted by world-renowned universities. Here are their key findings.
Bio-availability and Nutrients
Several researchers have studied the bioavailability (absorption) of key nutrients found in Juice Plus+® and reported Juice Plus+® effectively increased plasma levels of antioxidant nutrients and other phytonutrients in children, and in young, middle aged and elderly adults.
[ed_column_wrap] [ed_column span=”2″]Skin Pharmacology and Physiology (2012)Molecular Nutrition & Food Research (2010)International Journal of Food Sciences and
Nutrition (2009)
Evidence Based Complement Alternative Med (2007)
Journal of Clinical Periodontology (2012)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]Nutrients (02.2017)
Nutrients (01.2017)
Journal of Pediatrics (2012)
Gynecologic Oncology (2012)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (2006)
Journal of Nutrition (2006)
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (2006)
Journal of the American College of Nutrition (2004)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”2″]Journal of Nutrition (2003)
Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics (2000)
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2007)
Integrative Medicine (1999)
Nutrition Research (1999)
Current Therapeutic Research (1996)[/ed_column][/ed_column_wrap]
Immune System
Separate studies were conducted on healthcare professionals with direct patient contact, young law school students, an elderly population, and athletic men. The combined results of those studies show that Juice Plus+® reduces the severity of upper respiratory challenges, reduces missed work days, and increases the number and activity of immune cells circulating in the body.
[ed_column_wrap] [ed_column span=”1″]British Journal of Nutrition (2011)Integrative Medicine (1999)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]Journal of Nutrition (2007)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (2006)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]Journal of Nutrition (2006)[/ed_column] [/ed_column_wrap]
Healthy Skin
Proper circulation is important for healthy skin. It ensures nutrients and oxygen get to your skin tissue, giving it a healthy glow. Juice Plus+® increases skin micro circulation by 39%, along with boosting skin hydration, thickness, and density.
[ed_column_wrap] [ed_column span=”1″]British Journal of Nutrition (2013)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″] Skin Pharmacology and Physiology (2012)[/ed_column] [/ed_column_wrap]Obesity
In one study conducted at Nemours Children’s Hospital, groups of boys, ages 6 to 10, were either given diet instruction alone, or diet instruction and Juice Plus+®. Overweight boys in the Juice Plus+® group saw increased beta-carotene levels, improved insulin resistance, and reduced abdominal fat. Consuming Juice Plus+® also revealed cholesterol and LDL reductions, and an increase in lean body mass in overweight and obese individuals.
[ed_column_wrap] [ed_column span=”1″]Nutrients (01.2017)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]Journal of Nutritional Science (2015)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]British Journal of Nutrition (2013)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″}Journal of Pediatrics (2012)[/ed_column][/ed_column_wrap]Oxidative Stress and Redox Biology
When your body’s antioxidants are overwhelmed by free radicals, you enter a state of oxidative stress. Numerous clinical studies reported increased levels of key antioxidants in the bloodstream after taking Juice Plus+®. Effectiveness has been measured with exercisers, obese women, smokers and other populations.
[ed_column_wrap] [ed_column span=”1″]British Journal of Nutrition (2013)Journal of the American College of
Nutrition (2011)
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (2011)
Molecular Nutrition & Food Research (2010)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (2009)
International Journal of Food Sciences and
Nutrition (2009)
Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism (2007)
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2007)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]Journal of Nutrition (2007)
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (2006)
Journal of Nutrition (2006)
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (2006)
Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics (2000)
Current Therapeutic Research (1996)[/ed_column][/ed_column_wrap]
Systemic Inflammation
Chronic systemic inflammation is invisible, and can contribute to an increased risk for developing chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. Combined results from several studies show that Juice Plus+® decreases levels of several key biomarkers of inflammation.[ed_column_wrap] [ed_column span=”1″]Nutrients (01.2017)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]British Journal of Nutrition (2013)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]Molecular Nutrition & Food Research (2010)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]Journal of Nutrition (2007)[/ed_column] [/ed_column_wrap]
DNA and Nutrigenomics
The antioxidants from fruits and vegetables in Juice Plus+® can help maintain healthy DNA. Combined results from studies show that Juice Plus+® reduces DNA damage. Research on nutrition and gene interactions (nutrigenomics) demonstrated that several genes involved in lipogenesis, inflammation, energy and insulin metabolism were changed beneficially after Juice Plus+® intervention.
[ed_column_wrap] [ed_column span=”1″]Nutrients (01.2017)Molecular Nutrition & Food Research (2012)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2007)
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (2006)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]Journal of Nutrition (2006)
Journal of the American College of Nutrition (2004)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]Nutrition Research (1999)[/ed_column] [/ed_column_wrap]
Heart Health
Combined results show that Juice Plus+® produces positive effects on several measures of cardiovascular health. Juice Plus+® helps you maintain normal homocysteine levels, with elevated levels are related to heart attack and stroke. Juice Plus+® also helps maintain normal elasticity of the arteries, healthy LDL cholesterol levels and protects lipids from oxidative damage.
[ed_column_wrap] [ed_column span=”1″]Journal of the American College of Nutrition (2011)
Evidence Based Complement Alternative Medicine (2007)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2007)
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (2006)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]Journal of the American College of Cardiology (2003)
Nutrition Research (2003)[/ed_column] [ed_column span=”1″]Journal of Nutrition (2003)[/ed_column] [/ed_column_wrap]
Dental Heath
Juice Plus+ has been shown to improve postoperative quality of life and reduce post-surgical
morbidity and post-operative complications from lower third molar surgery. Additionally, adults
with a history of long-term gum health challenges saw improvement in gum bleeding, plaque
build-up, and pocket depth when they combined Juice Plus+® with standard periodontal care.
Quality of Life for Cancer Survivors
A study conducted on ovarian cancer survivors compared subjects consuming 10 servings of
fruits and vegetables a day to subjects consuming five servings of produce, Juice Plus+® and
Complete by Juice Plus+® Shake Mix. It found that, when paired with a low-fat and high-fiber diet,
Juice Plus+® improved quality of life, phytonutrient markers, and cell health. The soy in the
Complete by Juice Plus+® also contributed to better protein levels.
Gynecologic Oncology (2012)
Lung Health
Juice Plus+ helps improve pulmonary functions, such as forced expiratory flow and diffusion capacity, among smokers.
Journal of the American College of Nutrition (2013)